Wednesday 11 January 2012

New Year...New Me!

Okay, I know, cliche'd title, and everyone uses it and then gives up about three days into January, but for me, last year was such a weird one, that this year really does feel like a fresh start, and to prove this, I've decided to live by my magic eight guidelines (or New Years Resolutions):

1. Be a size 8 by December 31st 2012 (Or have been a size 8 for at least a month long period at some point in the year).

2. Go to the gym AT LEAST twice a week, and if I miss a week, make up for it

3. Stop spending money on virtually nothing

4. Wear false eyelashes everytime I go anywhere (Give up on this one already, so just generally always be well groomed)

5. Be more organised. I'm really gonna try!

6. Read/Watch/Listen to something new every week of the year


8. Learn a new instrument, so far, I'm going with guitar, seeing as I have one gathering dust beside my wardrobe.

So far, I'm not doing the greatest, I'm pretty certain I've eaten more junk this year so far than I did in the whole of November/December, but my Golden Rule is that New Years week doesn't count, it's the official time to let go, like the week after a big holiday.

I've also learnt a couple things about myself since the beginning of January:

1. The thing I hate the most, is being told what to do

2. As much as I thought I didn't like The Big Bang Theory, I really really do, and plan to sit and watch the whole of season one at some point this week.

I find writing this keeps me motivated, so I'll probably be back soon
Much love! xxx

Sunday 1 January 2012

Twenty11-Part 2

As promised...

I'm gonna take the same thing as I did last year, and update. I love doing stuff like this, so this will most likely become a bit of a tradition, unless I forget my password or something which is pretty likely to be honest!

So, here goes, 2011.

So my song of the year this year, is definitely this:

I got a car this year, and so started making a lot of mix cd's. I'd guess this song to be on at least five of them, and it's also my ringtone. I just love everything about it, it's one of my favourite songs of all time, definitely. I really hope I get to see Lady Gaga next time she tours.

What Happened In the Past Year???

How many relationships were you in? One, since August, still pretty early days, but it doesn't feel that way at all. And actually, New Year is pretty relevant to it, so I can't wait to see it in with him tomorrow.

Going by my early '11 blog posts, you can probably tell I didn't have the best luck in the boy department at the start of the year though, and some of the experiences I've had this year actually feel like something out of a comedy, but hey, frogs and princes and all that :).

What did you do for Valentine's day? Errrm, I can't actually remember! I think I was in work again!

Did you recieve your driver's license? Nope, got that last year, however, I did lose it, and then get a new one in the post! I also got a new car, Tracey Beeper! She's a proper trooper, and I've put her through a lot, including a stand off with a pissed off cow, and running over a brick.

Did you graduate high school? Noo.

Did you graduate college? Yeah! Heather Sutton BA. Was an amazing day, really good to see all my classmates again, and my parents were really proud, but it hasn't actually gotten me anywhere as of yet!

Did you move out on your own? Nope, once again, still at home!

Did you get arrested? No, but there was a bit of a drama with me and Caroline breaking into her house...

Did you get a speeding ticket? No :D

What was the best thing you got for Christmas? My new phone! Back in the iphone club! Hopefully I don't break this one!

So this song...let me start by saying, has no relevance whatsoever to my life, and it never really has. I've never ever loved someone and lost them, at least in the sense of the song, and hopefully, this song doesn't ever apply to me, but it still makes me cry. I heard this purely by chance in January on a youtube video, before Adele's album was even released and thought it was beautiful, and it's such a classic, even though it's hardly a year old. Hopefully I don't ever repost this with a sad explaination here.

Did you fall in love? I did indeed :D, and it was/is the best. Not gonna go into massive detail in case I end up sounding like a corny little thing, and obviously I have a reputation to uphold :P. All I'm gonna say is I love it, the way it happened and everything about it.

Did you become an aunt or an uncle? Nope!

Did you have a baby? No, but I did have a car.

Did you get engaged? Nope

Did you get married? Nope

Did someone close to you die? Yeah, my Granddad died this year. He was ill for a while, and we knew it was coming, but it was still so so horrible.

How many funerals did you go to? Two.

How many weddings? None, but I'm going to one next year!

Did you turn 18? Nope.

Did you turn 21? Yeah, I spent the majority of my 21st Birthday throwing up! But I had a party the Friday after and it was brilliant. One of the best nights out I've been on, and it was nice having all of my friends together. It wasn't without drama though!

Did you turn 30? No!

Did you have a car accident? Nothing major!

Next song, and a bit of a saddo moment for me. This guy's called Alex Lambert, and he was voted off just before the finales in American Idol this year, he has an amazing little voice, but a lot of stage fright. I was pretty peed off when he didn't get through, and kinda boycotted the series (not through bitterness, just because I wasn't amazed enough to sit through anyone else's performances) and this song is still on my Ipod now. I hope he gets to release it himself one day.

This next song is 'Long Live' by Taylor Swift, which I think is my favoruite song off of her 'Speak Now' album, though I go through a bit of a cycle with them all. I suppose this one has a bit of a special resonance with this year though, and is a really feel good song, that reminds me a bit of 'Change.' So far, I haven't achieved much career wise, but when I do, I'll be singing this song at the top of my lungs. Hopefully my friend Paul sees this, he's one of my eight! And we just to quote this song back and forth at each other when we still saw each other regularly in Uni!

However, let me just say that I was torn whether to post this, or 'Enchanted', which I've also had on repeat all year.

Were you old enough to vote this year? Yeah.

How many jobs did you have throughout the year? Last year, I wrote: 'One, still in that good old shop, just spent my fourth Christmas there!' I'll fix it. One, still in that good old shop, just spent my FIFTH Christmas there!

Did you get a new pet? No no, still just Ozzy.

Did you get cheated on? No

Did you cheat on someone? No

Did you start at a new school? No

Did you make any new friends? Yeahh, I did :). And regrouped with some oldies!

Did you get a new car? Hmmm I may have mentioned this already, but YES! I HAVE A CAR! Here she is next to a cow:

Yeah 3x reminds me of a couple of impromptu nights out from the year, one of which ended up with me staying out till closing, retreating with the girls back to our friend Owen's house, staying up watching Korean films, and rolling into uni the next day at ten o clock after half an hour's sleep, before going to work straight after until half six. This song taught me that I am a machine.

Did you drastically change your hairstyle? Nope not really, got rid of me fringe pretty early on, though it did end up looking good last new year for about a week. haha.

Did you go out of the country? Yeahh, Bodrum General 2k11 wooooooo! Haha me and the girls went to Turkey, Inbetweeners style. Jess ended up in a Turkish hospital on the first night (Bodrum General), there were a few arguments, one of which ended up with mine and Abbie's friendship being compared to a dead rose, and Hope nearly died jumping off a boat. It sounds bad but, seeing as it was her boob that surfaced first (after long baited breath) in full view of two full boats, it was one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed in my whole entire life.

Me in the pool

All of us outside the hospital

All of us

Me, Hope and Abbie on the donut things.

Also, not abroad as such, but a few of us went to Alex's cottage in Wales which was pretty epic. Was as good as Turkey for a fraction of the price! Hope that becomes some sort of tradition.

Make of that what you will.

Did you keep your last New Year's resolution? I think it was to klose wait and graduate (rhyme!) So yes, I did both!

What was the best movie you saw in theaters? Harry Potter, the last one, without question, being the total Potter nerd that I am. We went to see the seventh one in FACT first, then saw the eigth right after at midnight. Boss.

What was the best book you read? Well I finished The Shack! That was amazing, and I have a new found love of Wuthering Heights.

What was your greatest accomplishment? Graduating.

Along with 'On The Floor' by Jennifer Lopez, 'Mr Saxobeat' and 'Beautiful People', this was an amazing holiday song, and whenever it comes on I feel instantly happy. As soon as I hear it, I'm back in Shakers bar in Gumbet, dancing with the girls, it's my instant feelgood song.

This song reminds me of sitting in the poolside cafe, eating what must have been the best bacon butty in the world listening to this over, and over, and over again.

Other mentionables are 'Run The World' by Beyonce, 'One Love' by Estelle and David Guetta, and 'Waka Waka' by Shakira.

What was the best cd released this year? Hmm...I've just bought a load of albums, but I'm gonna go with Ed Sheeran +, purely because it's so chilled, and differs between all the different songs. And Rupert Grint is in the video for 'Lego House.'

Did you get a new tattoo? No, but I want a dove on my foot, and maybe 'Nothing Is Impossible' along my spine.

A new piercing? No, I've learned my lesson. Haha.

Are you still dating the same person you dated at the start of the year? No, I was single at the start of '11, now I'm not.

The Lasts of the Past

How old were you on your last birthday? Twenty One in Twenty One One.

Who was your last kiss? My boyfriend, it wasn't drunken, and I don't regret it :').

Who was the last person to tell you "I love you"? Boyf.

Who was the last person you spoke to in person? My Mum.

Who was your last missed call? My Dad!

Who was your last phone call to? My Dad.

What was the last movie you watched? Errrrm, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part One!

The last song you heard? Mr Saxobeat!

The last book you read? I have no idea. Started several, finished none.

The last place you went? Baa Bar, last night, after Big Bowl, our new haunt!

The last time you cut your hair? A while back. I need to find a new hairdressers at the mo.

The color of the last shirt your wore? I have a blue and white nightshirt on now.

The last person you hugged? My Dad.

The last thing you bought? A watermelon bacardi breezer!

The last time you went to the doctor? Last year. Wayyyy!

The last time you went swimming? Erm, in Turkey, in June!

This song is by Ed Sheeran, and probably is one of the biggest songs this year. I first heard it in camp when loads of the campers had it on their phones, and me and Abbie were dying to know what it was called all week, then we found out, and I remember thinking it was a stupid name. I get it now.

The last game you played? Can't remember what it was called, but it involved picking red or black cards, and drinking if you got it wrong.

The last person's house you went to? Alex's, for his New Year party last night.

The last un-related guy you hung out with? Kev, before when I went for a drive with him, Hope and Hannah.

The last un-related girl you hung out with? Hope and Hannah.

The last family member you hung out with? Erm, my Mum.

The last movie you saw in theaters? Breaking Dawn part 1.

I've picked this song, because I just love it. It's featured on the majority of my car cds all year, and depending on my mood, it makes me either belt it out, or bawl haha.

I first heard this song when Lacey Brown covered it on American Idol this year, and thought it was nice, but forgot about it pretty quickly. I heard it again when I was flicking through spotify a couple of months back, and haven't had it off since, I love the passion Brandi Carlisle puts into it, and it's really beautiful. I hope I get the chance to cover it one day :)

...12 months and I still love this song so much.

The last time you went to Walmart? Still never!

The last time you went to Burger King? I really don't like Burger King.

The last time you went on vacation? To the Cottage, in August.

The last restaurant you went to? McDonalds!

The last thing you ate? McDonalds, chicken selects. Yum. Want some more now.

The last thing you drank? Coke.

I'm gonna fill this in, if I can, after New Year, based on two things:

Twist And Shout by the Beatles is a proper fun song, and one of the first covers we did when me and the guys first formed My Awakening. And everyone was singing and dancing along!

The Firsts of the New Year...Fresh in my mind because this year, I'm doing this the DAY AFTER new years eve. Otherwise known as New Year's Day. Happy 2012!
Who was the first person you kissed? As in Happy New Year kisses? Andy
Who was the first person you told "I love you" to? Andy, I think.
Who was the first person you spoke to? Again, Andy haha.
Who was your first phone call to/from? My mother!
Where was the first place you went? Home!
What was the first thing you bought? A McDonalds.
Who was the first person to wish you "Happy New Year!"? Errrm, Andy.
What was the first thing you ate? Chicken Nugget
The first thing you drank? Archers and Coke
What color was the first shirt you wore? A dress, I brought a different one to sleep in because I'm a diva like that.
What were the first shoes you wore? Black heels.
What was the first electronic Car radio?
What was the first movie you watched? None, as of yet.
What was the first song you heard? I honestly have no idea. (Snap!)
Who was the first girl you hung out with? Whoever was at the party
Who was the first guy? Whoever was at the party
The first relative? My Mum
What was the first thing you did when it became the new year? Said 'Happy New Year'
What the Future Year Has In Store
What are you most looking forward to in the New Year? I'm not too sure but have high hopes!
Are you getting married this year? No
Are you expecting a child? No
Will you be getting a new job? Hopefully
Will you be starting a new school? Hopefully
Will you be moving to a new place? Doubt it
Will you get your driver's license this year? Nope
Will you turn 18? Nope
Will you turn 21? No
Will you turn 25? No
Will you turn 30? No
Will you turn 40? No
Are you going on a vacation this year? I hope I go at least somewhere.
What movie are you most looking forward to coming out this year? Errrm, I dunno!
What book? Er, dunno
What music albumn? No idea.
Do you expect to find love this year? I don't expect to, no. It'd be nice though. (Sorry, but :D)...this year, no haha.
Did you make a New Year's resolution? Lose a bit more weight, get somewhere career wise, and become more organised.
Have you kept it so far? No!
Will you be going to a wedding this year? Yeah!
Will you get a new car? No
Will you buy a house this year? No
Do you expect to be with the same person at the end of the year? Yes.
Are you starting the year off single? No
What do you most want to happen this year? Have loads of good times
What are you most excited about this year? Erm, Summer!