Monday 19 April 2010

The April Blues

Okay, I confess. Out of them all, April is probably one of my favourites. It's when the sun usually decides to shine, we get Easter holidays, and it's my Birthday soon, but as with most things, there is a downside. FRIGGIN ESSAY DEADLINES.

In the same way May is let down by exams, April is packed full of essay deadlines and revision malarky. And in the last four Aprils, my laptop has packed in three times. Well, I say laptop, but I mean laptops. I ended up with a new (and seemingly invincible) laptop after the nervous breakdown enducing time that was April 2008. Turns out, laptop number 2 is not invincible after all, it was just saving itself so it could pack in at THE MOST INCONVENIENT time of all. I have an essay due in in two days man! One that counts for either 60 or 70% of my module. Either way it's not looking good, and I am sat here typing this on the slowest Computer in the world. (Okay, that's an exaggeration, but it is shocking after becoming so used to my poor laptop.

Anyway, I got up early today, especially with the aim of getting this essay done, but within seconds I realised, 'Oh yeah, the laptop packed in last night!' So I took out my frustration on the treadmill, whilst ringing around most people I know asking for a Windows Installation Disk, which doesn't seem to exist.

So, in total, I have spent twelve hours in the Computer room today, listening to the same songs off my Iphone, before resorting to listening to the best of 2002-2008 (only 2008 because I downloaded a load of stuff last time I resorted to this PC), reading old stories I'd written, wishing people Happy Birthday on facbook and post it noting my research material. Oh yeah, and now posting this.

I need to do some actual work, but I can't bring myself to start all over again!

Bring on May. I don't care if I'm going to be a twenty something anymore, as long as I have a laptop and no essays!

Oh, btw, this song is 'mazin. Downloaded it off itunes last night right before my laptop died. There goes 99p!

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